
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What did I just say?

     Until now, my Nihongo is not still good. Well, it's better than before, of course. Sometimes, I try to anticipate what is going to be asked in class or when I needed to talk to somebody about something. And I would look up for the words or sentences in advance. I would make them in my mind and try to search in my dictionary if it was right, especially when it comes to numbers, months and dates. Sometimes, it did me good. Sometimes...weeeellllll.
     Just this morning, our sensei asked who among us is already married. There were only two of us. Next thing he asked was "Musuko san ga imasu ka?" (Do you have a son?) I said yes. I anticipated that the next question would be "How old is he?" and so I already formed the answer in my mind. But then the sensei asked "Nan nin imasu ka?" (How many sons do you have?). I answered "Kyuu nin desu."Right after saying it, I realized what my answer meant. I just said "I have 9 sons"! What I had in mind was "Kyuu sai desu" meaning "He is 9 years old." But I ended up saying "I have 9." Everybody went "Whaaaat?" Tee-heee

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