
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Toilet Humor ;-)

     Sorry but this is not of jokes about urinating, defecating or other necessary but kinda icky bodily functions. Back in my country, I used to travel a lot because of the nature of a certain project I got involved in. And because of that, I've seen some of the worst and some of the best comfort rooms. More often than not, it would be the former. I remember one time when I was still in college, there was this Australian guy who said "How could you call it a comfort room? Do you feel any comfort when using it?" Sadly, I had to agree. When I go on travel, I would ask our driver to stop in gasoline stations because they usually have cleaner and well maintained toilets, ergo there's a little comfort in using them.
     Here in Japan though, you wouldn't have such worry. So far, in the places I have been to (school, park, office, etc.), they all provide you the comfort you need and then some more...

Wanna make sure it's clean? A cleaning liquid
is provided if you want to wipe the seat before
doing your thing. Tissues abound too.
The seat can be made warm, esp. during the
cold seasons, with flushing water sound effect
while doing your thing, and some other buttons.
Flushing via hand sensor.
Does your little one wanna go to the loo too?

Need to change baby's diapers? 
Baby in tow? Let him have a seat while
relieving yourself. You can make
cutie faces at each other while you're at it. 

     Now, these are just some of the things you can see inside a ladies' comfort room. I'd like to see what's inside a men's room too but I'd probably get caught for bad behavior if I suddenly go in men's comfort rooms.
     By the way, there are basically two types of toilets, the Western which is the second picture and the Japanese style. I'll post a pic of it in another post soon.

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